Osteoporosis Specialist

Kenilworth Primary Care
Bhavani Jeereddy, MD
Board Certified Internist & Clinical Lipidology Specialist located in Kenilworth, NJ
Osteoporosis can happen to anyone, but it's especially common in older adults. There are many things you can do to stave off bone loss and internist, Bhavani Jeereddy, MD, at Kenilworth Primary Care in Kenilworth, New Jersey, is well-versed in treating osteoporosis effectively. Call the office today, or schedule an appointment online at your earliest convenience to learn more.
Osteoporosis Q & A
What is osteoporosis?
Osteoporosis is a bone disease in which the density and general quality of the bones are negatively affected. With this condition, your bones grow progressively more porous and delicate. This increases your risk of bone breaks and fractures. Osteoporosis is a silent disease, one that rarely causes symptoms until a fracture occurs. It primarily affects women, but it can also affect men as well.
What are the risk factors connected with osteoporosis?
One of the main reasons that osteoporosis impacts women more often than men is that hormonal changes during menopause increase the risk for the condition. Bone loss usually starts at around age 40 and accelerates after menopause begins. As estrogen production slows and then stops, the bones no longer receive protection, causing them to weaken. This leads to faster bone loss.
In addition to menopause, other risk factors for osteoporosis include:
- Family members with osteoporosis
- A history of bone fractures, which causes the bones to weaken
- Frequent falls
- Being underweight
- Lack of calcium and vitamin D in the diet
If you're concerned about your propensity for osteoporosis, there are diagnostic services and help available.
How can I learn whether I have osteoporosis?
Patients often don’t learn that they have osteoporosis until they suffer a fracture — by which time their bones have already been weakened. Therefore, it's essential to see Dr. Jeereddy regularly to find out whether you have any of the risk factors that are linked to osteoporosis.
Diagnostic tests like bone-mineral density testing may be performed if it's suspected that you're at risk of developing osteoporosis. This type of test can detect even smaller amounts of bone loss.
What is the treatment for osteoporosis?
Several medications can help maintain bone density, including:
- The bisphosphonate family drugs
- Calcitonin
- Teriparatide
Hormone replacement therapy (HRT), while not necessarily explicitly used for osteoporosis treatment, can be helpful for bone density. Additionally, supplements such as vitamin D and calcium may help retain bone density.
Dr. Jeereddy can recommend a personalized treatment plan that will help keep your bones as healthy and strong as possible, even if you're already experiencing osteoporosis.
If you're interested in learning more about diagnostic testing or treatments available for osteoporosis, give Kenilworth Primary Care a call, or schedule an appointment online today.